Friday, December 26, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

We have news...BIG NEWS!!!

Not the baby kind...sorry, you'll have to stay tuned for that one! :-)

Our BIG NEWS is that a couple of weeks ago - that's called being on the ball - Miles was accepted to the Master's degree program at the National Defense Intelligence College. What does that mean to all you civies? (That's military talk for civilian) It means that the Navy is going to PAY Miles to get his Master's degree...AND...the Navy is going to pay for the degree itself! :-) Not only that...but it also means that our little family will be staying on in the DC area until Miles graduates in August 2010! YIPEE! So, let me sum up...basically, my incredibly hard-working and intelligent husband is going to get to be a full-time student, and in just under 2 years he'll have his very own Master's degree!

In other news...

We have finally finished the "baby's room". This is such a HUGE step for Miles and I, not only because we obviously will be needing the space soon...but because for our entire married life we have always had that one room...a space that had only one use, to hide everything we couldn't find a place for. The room that ALWAYS had the door closed...anyone else have a space like this? Anyway, for the almost 3 years we've lived in this house, we have had an entire bedroom devoted to WHATEVER...junk, papers, books, clothes, old computer equipment, you name it! Over the last month Miles and I have spent pretty much any free moment we have (and let's be expecting parents of a 5 and 3 yr old...there is LOTS of free time!) cleaning out that room, throwing out stuff, giving away stuff, organizing what is left. Last night, we added the finishing touches...sheets on the guest bed, sheets on the crib, baby clothes hung in the closet...yep, it is now LIVABLE space! Over the last 24 hours, Miles and I have found ourselves drawn to the room...just to sit and admire the floor (which hasn't been seen since late 2006)! :-)

Anyway, good thing that we have that "nursery" all done, because our little princess to be is quickly approaching her big debut! I am currently heading to the hospital every Monday for ultrasounds, and non-stress tests...then every Thursday I head back to the hospital for another non-stress test. Then there are the doctor's appointments...spending ALOT of my time running around from babysitters to doctors and back again. According to the first ultrasound (two weeks ago), our little one was already about twice as big as she should be... SO...stay tuned, we are all pretty convinced that she'll make an EARLY appearance, and I'm hoping for sometime around Christmas! :-)

OK...I think that's about it from until next time!

We love and miss you all!