Monday, November 10, 2008

Star Wars Influence

For those of you who know anything about the family I grew up in, we are HUGE Star Wars fans! Fortunately, I married another Star Wars fan, and together we have endeavored to bring up our children in the ways of Star Wars. In fact, I have posted several posts with some classic Star Wars stories, and pictures drawn by Maddie. However, this video takes the cake. One afternoon, after watching a Star Wars movie...I shooed the girls outside to play (trying NOT to raise COMPLETE couch potatoes!) About 5 minutes later, I realize that there are unusual sounds floating in from the backyard. I went to the back door to investigate, and what to my eyes should appear but my two little girls playing Star Wars. Enjoy...


Bastianclan said...

Tam I couldn't watch the video. HUmm!!!! I did watch a couple of your other videos. Your girls are so cute. Okay so I am not so into the Star Wars thing but my boys are...

How are you doing? How is the baby? Do you have any names yet? When are you due again. Soon right?

I hope all is well with you and your family.

Slavka said...

Ahhh! Video not working!! :(

SheL said...

I was able to see the video and it was hilarious! Tyler would LOVE that! We are also Star Wars fans so that was great =)

Lucy said...

I can totally relate... I always thought it was wierd that my daughter could make shooting sounds, just as easy as playing kitchen.

Crystal said...

I was just telling a friend how your girls sing the darth vader theme and draw pictures of light sabers, etc. I love those girls!

Silly me, my daughter just knows the Veronica Mars soundtrack and can identify Harry Potter.

Sarah said...

Tam - that was so cute! Who doesn't love Star Wars? This is Sarah and Dan, by the way! I'm new to the blogging world and I've decided it's a time machine. I can't believe how many people I've reconnected with from the past. It's fun to get a little peak into your life. Hope you and Miles are doing well! Check us out at

Shellie said...

So cute! I love the dramatics! Hope you guys are doing well! Miss ya!